1. How, according to the song, did "video kill the radio star"? Is this a good thing, as far as the song goes?
The writer of the song, Trevor Horn, felt that we were at an end of an era - and that radio would not be as important as it once was. A lot of things change and it's not always a bad thing. As Heraclitus said, "Change is constant".
2. What is the "wireless in '52" referring to?
Probably the days when there weren't much technology invented yet like phones, computers, or television and the only technology people gave importance to was the radio.
3. What does the line, "They took the credit for your second symphony, rewritten by machine on new technology," mean?
"Video stars" took credit from the works of the "radio stars". By rewriting (or probably making the technology better) they took credit for a work that wasn't originally theirs.
4. What do you think is the music video saying about technology?
Because of the new technologies that are constantly coming out, old technology is beginning to slowly become forgotten.
5. What are the song and the music video saying about the relationship of technology with concepts like art, originality, popular culture, innocence, nostalgia, and boredom?
"Video stars" were using the "radio stars'" material and making it seem brand new (?)
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