"The Eye" is originally directed by the Pang Brothers, Hong Kong-Singaporean twin-brother screenwriters and film directors, born in 1965. This movie is their most famous work and has spawned two sequels, as well as a Hindi remake and a Hollywood remake.
1. How does the trailer of the original movie market itself?
The original trailer showed which film production company it came from, revealed the most important parts/ highlights of the movie, showed a few positive critic reviews saying how masterful, terrifying, and spine-tingling it is, also at the end of the trailer, they websites were shown to find out more about the movie.
2. How do the remakes market themselves?
Like how the original markets itself but both remake trailers don't show critic reviews like the original.
3. How do the notions of "local" and "global" come into play in these three films and their trailers?
I guess the adoption of a "global" movie genre while still maintaining a "local" culture.
4. Who do you think are the target audiences of the original and the remakes?
Teenagers and young adults. Children may be get traumatized and older people might get heart attacks from jump scares or something.
5. Which was the most financially successful of the three films?
According to the website, https://www.rottentomatoes.com/, the most financially successful of the three films was the Hollywood remake starring Jessica Alba. Some people who've watched both the original and the remakes have liked the original better, but because it's Hollywood and the main actress is Jessica Alba, the Hollywood remake became more well-known to people around the globe.
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoA6dxLeWFo
Indian Remake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9hhPMf9j6w
Hollywood Remake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5x9LS24wg8
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